The High Holidays at Park - Schedule of Services

High Holidays Schedule of Services

Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, 9/24
Evening service*
7:45 pm Park Synagogue MAIN

Rosh Hashanah Thursday, 9/25
Morning Services - Park Synagogue MAIN
8:20 am Morning Service
Sanctuary/Rosenthal & Kangesser

9:40 -10:40 am Family Service (grades 1-5)
Glass Auditorium (upstairs in school wing)

Evening Services - Park Synagogue EAST
No tickets required
4:30 pm
 Young Family Service (first grade and younger)
5:35 pm Tashlikh Service
6:00 pm Evening Service

Rosh Hashanah  Friday, 9/26
Morning Services - Park Synagogue MAIN
8:20 am Morning Service
Sanctuary/Rosenthal & Kangesser

9:40 - 10:40 am Family Service (grades 1-5)
Glass Auditorium (upstairs in school wing)

Evening Service - Park Synagogue EAST
6:00 pm Evening Service

Erev Yom Kippur Friday, 10/3
Evening service
6:45 pm Park Synagogue MAIN
Sanctuary/Rosenthal & Kangesser

Yom Kippur Saturday, 10/4
Park Synagogue MAIN
8:20 am Morning Service
10:20 am approx. Yizkor
Sanctuary/Rosenthal & Kangesser

9:30 -10:00 am Young Family Service (first grade and younger)
Glass Auditorium (upstairs in school wing)

12:00 -1:00 pm Family Service (grades 1-5)
Glass Auditorium (upstairs in school wing)

4:35 pm Mincha/Neilah Services*

*Park in the parking lot of Park Synagogue Main. There are no shuttle buses to the other lots.

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